Social Studio Analytics

Codegator Hi-Tech Nazareth Technical guiding, software development and Technical consulting
AlJabal Business Entrepreneurship Palestine Ramallah Al Jabal is a social-business incubator in the middle of nature that recruits, incubates, and develops young…
Information technology and innovation institution in Jerusalem “ITIQ” Business Entrepreneurship Jerusalem Information technology and innovation institution in Jerusalem “ITIQ” is a leader and nonprofit Palestinian…
HCIE Business Entrepreneurship Palestine Ramallah Cross sectorial presidential body that oversees the whole innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Palestine
Hakini Health Palestine Ramallah Hakini, (“tell me”, in Arabic), is an online therapy platform that uses guidance for self-help intervention…
Bazaard Business and Entrepreneurship Palestine Ramallah E-commerce Platform to serve the Palestinian market and MENA region as a site-builder and provide the…
Naviatx Hi-Tech Palestine Ramallah Naviatx empowers its clients to design and implement new data-driven products and services in smart mobility,…
Techlinic Hi-Tech Jerusalem R&D Software outsourcing company Placements in Hi-Tech Senior positions Building capacity for programmers