Social Studio Analytics

Synergia Business Entrepreneurship Palestine Ramallah Specializing in Workforce management, and service providers
Codegator Hi-Tech Nazareth Technical guiding, software development and Technical consulting
HCIE Business Entrepreneurship Palestine Ramallah Cross sectorial presidential body that oversees the whole innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Palestine
Selena Technologies Health Palestine Ramallah We creative technology-enabled experiences for patients and caregivers
AlJabal Business Entrepreneurship Palestine Ramallah Al Jabal is a social-business incubator in the middle of nature that recruits, incubates, and develops young…
Holy Land Bond Business Entrepreneurship Jerusalem UK Holy Land Bond (a UK based impact investment fund) We will closely look to address the disparities in…
Edu Reach Education Jerusalem EduReach e-Learning is an EdTech startup aiming to launch a marketplace LMS for teaching Arabic for non-native